Strawberry and Rose Jam

Strawberry and Rose Jam
The essence of idyllic summers – Strawberry and Rose Jam
Strawberry and Rose Jam is a beautiful conserve. If you close your eyeswhilst eating it, it’s truly magical. It’s reminiscent of Turkish Delight, whilst at the same time being the essence of what idyllic summers are supposed to be, in a jar.

I make this wonderful jam in Egypt when the strawberry season (which is in January) overwhelms you with vast quantities of this delicious, fragrant fruit. Over there, all fruit and vegetables are ripened in the fields, in the full sun, so the strawberries are simply bursting with flavour and smell glorious.
My parents’ first visit to Egypt was during such a season and my dad couldn’t wait to make some strawberry jam. His jam was unbelievable; the flavour was out of this world and it was just the most wonderful deep, ruby red colour.
Strawberry and Rose Jam what could be more perfect?
The next version was Strawberry and Rose Jam with the addition of rose water. It was truly fantastic; filling your senses with the best that summer had to offer. It’s a beautiful jam, truly magical. It has the essence of all of what summers are supposed to be.
Health benefits of the scent of roses
In Aromatherapy the scent of rose petals is considered excellent for balancing, mind, heart and emotions. It’s known to boost serotonin. And this can reduce feelings of depression and anxiety and in turn increase feelings of joy and happiness.
This may explain why it is such a joy to eat this beautiful conserve. As I said, it is the essence of idyllic summers in a jar.

Be sure to choose a good quality rosewater
I must say here that, it is really important to choose a good quality rosewater. Otherwise you could end up with jam that smells like soap, so be warned. Good rosewater is a bit more expensive but it’s worth it.
The vanilla bean takes it to another level
Adding the vanilla bean is possibly totally unnecessary BUT it just takes it to another level and makes it totally spellbinding. Absolutely gorgeous.
This jam is just as wonderful with your croissants in the morning, as it is dolloped into a bowl of creamy Greek yogurt. And to be honest there’s nothing better on homemade scones which are still warm from the oven with lashings of clotted cream. Or even as the filling for a very special Victoria Sponge.
- 1 kilo ripe strawberries, stems removed and sliced in half
- 500g white sugar
- 60 ml lemon Juice
- Rosewater to taste (different brands have very different strengths so add this drop by drop)
- 1 vanilla bean cut in ½ length ways and the seeds scraped out (optional) or 1 tsp good quality vanilla extract – optional
First, chill some plates
Before you begin put a couple of china saucers or plates into the freezer to use for testing the jam later.
Heat the strawberries, lemon and sugar
Put the strawberries, sugar, and lemon juice in a large saucepan and heat it over a medium heat.
Bring to the boil, stirring frequently, skimming away any foam that forms on the top.
Reduce the heat down to a gentle simmer.
Add the rose water and the vanilla.
Simmer gently for 20 – 30 minute
Stirring frequently, continue to cook the jam for about another 20-30 minutes until it starts to thicken and jell.
How to test if your glorious Strawberry and Rose Jam is ready
To test if jam is done, take one of the saucers you put in the freezer before you started cooking and put a large teaspoonful of jam on it.
Put the saucer with the jam on it back into the freezer to chill for a couple of minutes to get the jam down to room temperature. Push the jam with your finger. If the surface crinkles up, and you can draw a line through the middle of it with your finger and the jam stays separated, rather than the jam running together again, then it is done.
Ladle the jam into sterilized jars.
I do hope you’ll try this wonderful jam it really is so good, like I said all the flavours of idyllic summers in a pot.
Let me know how you get on with it.