Banana Milkshake

Banana Milkshake

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Banana Milkshake – known in Egypt as Moz bi Leban

Creamy Banana Milkshake is a wonderful, rich, whipped drink that seems really indulgent and yet it’s remarkably healthy. 

This banana milkshake has no nasty hidden extras

The beauty of making your own banana milkshake is that, unlike shop bought milkshakes or milkshake powders, this recipe has no artificial additives or preservatives or E numbers. The whole thing is natural and tastes exceptional.

For a food to be that good for you and also taste luscious sounds like magic to me. Everyone loves it, kids especially.  And it only has the 2 ingredients. What could be simpler.

* It’s also a great way to use up ripe bananas, because they are the sweetest. If they’re not fully ripe you may need to add a little sugar or honey.

Banana milkshake is really good for you

Everyone knows the benefits of milk for its calcium, protein and other nutrients. The only other ingredient in this banana milkshake is bananas.

Bananas have many health benefits too. They’re one of your 5-a-day. Bananas are high in antioxidants which help rid the body of Free Radicals which can cause diseases such as cancer, diabetes and Alzeimers. They’re also high in Potassium which we need to help nerve function, muscle contraction and to maintain a healthy heart.


  • 3 ripe bananas- peeled – you can freeze them if you choose
  • 1.5 L milk straight from the fridge – you can use ½ milk & ½ water if you prefer something a little less rich
  • a handful of ice cubes – optional


Put the bananas into a blender with the milk along with the ice cubes if you’ve chosen to add them. Blitz your banana milkshake thoroughly, until they are perfectly smooth and frothy.

Taste the mix to make sure you don’t need to add any extra sugar or honey – if you’ve used really ripe bananas you should be fine.

Transfer your beautiful creamy milkshake to a jug and serve immediately.

Your milkshake needs to be drunk as soon as possible after blitzing. It should be drunk the same day.

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